Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency (ASEA)
The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency (ASEA) was established in 2013 to administer the National Strategic Plan. Although the ASEA can provide general assistance and advice relating to asbestos, they do not enforce the law. For regulations governing the safe management of asbestos please contact the relevant authority in the Australian Government or the relevant authority in your state and territory.
Safe Work Australia
Safe Work Australia has developed a number of publications and resources to provide the community with information resources on safe management practices of asbestos. Regulations and resources are relevant to anyone who may be at risk of coming into contact with asbestos-containing materials either in the workplace, in homes or in the environment.
Learn more: www.safeworkaustralia.gov.au/safety-topic/hazards/asbestos
Australian Government Department of Health
The Australian Government Department of Health has developed a number of publications and resources to provide the community with information resources on safe management practices of asbestos. Regulations and resources are relevant to anyone who may be at risk of coming into contact with asbestos-containing materials either in the workplace, in homes or in the environment.
The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment
The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment is the federal authority that manages issues relating to asbestos in the environment. This including asbestos in its natural form (Naturally Occurring Asbestos) and in the form of hazardous waste.
Australian Border Force
The Australian Border Force enforces Work Health and Safety (WHS) and environment laws in all states and territories to prohibit the unauthorised supply, transport, use (including manufacturing) or handling of asbestos.
National Asbestos Exposure Register
The National Asbestos Exposure Register (NAER) records information for members of the community who may have been exposed to asbestos, for their future reference. It is a voluntary, privacy-protected register for anyone who believes they may have been exposed to asbestos – whether at work, in the home or in the community. Data is stored securely and can be accessed by the individual in the future if there is a need to recall the exposure event.
State & Territory
Asbestos regulations can vary from each state and territory. Below are links to the regulators where you can access relevant information.
Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
- Asbestos NSW
- NSW 1800 ASEBESTOS HOTLINE (1800 272 378)
- SafeWork NSW
- NSW Fair Trading Loose Fill Asbestos Task Force
Northern Territory
South Australia
Western Australia
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