Asbestos Awareness Education Resource for Young Workers
Asbestos Awareness for Young Workers is an essential education resource to help prevent the incidences of exposure to hazardous asbestos fibres that can lead to asbestos-related diseases.
Developed in accordance with government Work Health and Safety Regulations and Codes of Practice, Asbestos Awareness for Young Workers is a comprehensive resource that provides young workers with vital information as to why asbestos is dangerous, the risks of working unsafely with ACMs, and the steps to take if they come across materials they suspect may contain asbestos including to report it to their boss, their supervisor or their Work Health and Safety representative.
The resource developed specifically for young workers features 10 sections including how asbestos came to be incorporated in more than 3,000 products still found in an extensive range of buildings including residential, non-residential and commercial properties; the sorts of products that may contain asbestos; what to be aware of when working in a region identified as having naturally occurring asbestos (NOA); who is responsible for asbestos identification and management on a worksite; who can remove asbestos; the importance of what to do if they suspect asbestos is present; and, a series of links to additional helpful information and resources.
Importantly, it also provides information on how young workers can report asbestos safety concerns on a jobsite by contacting SafeWork NSW on 131050 or visiting where unsafe work practices can be reported anonymously.
The Asbestos Awareness for Young Workers was developed by Advocacy Australia’s Asbestos Education Committee in partnership with SafeWork NSW, thanks to funding awarded by the NSW Government. Developed specifically for young workers, apprentices, trade teachers, employers conscientious about protecting their workers from asbestos hazards and parents wanting to protect their family members, this invaluable asbestos education resource is free to download here.
Please note: Education presentation is 2.5GB in size.
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