Guttering & Downpipes
- Ridge capping for roof
- Eaves and gables ends
- Gutters
- Downpipes
Garage and Sheds
- Power Box - backing to electrical meter boards
- Brake and clutch linings and battery boxes in older cars comprised of pitch, rubber and cocidolite
- Wall sheeting
- Roof - corrugated asbestos-cement roofing
- Ridge capping for roof
- Eaves and gables ends
- Gutters
- Used form work
- Downpipes
Power Box
- Power Box - backing to electrical meter boards
- Wall sheeting
- Roof - corrugated asbestos-cement roofing
- Ridge capping for roof
- Internal and external ventilators
- Eaves and gables ends
- Loose fill insulation in roof cavity
- Gutters
- Downpipes
- Carpet underlay
- Internal angle mouldings
- Internal walls and ceilings - low density asbestos fibre board ceiling and wall sheeting
- Hot water piping "chased into walls"
- Lagging to hot water pipes
- Sheeting under floor tiles
- Backing behind ceramic or vinyl tiles
- Tilux marble finish wall panel - laminated flat asbestos cement sheet with various decorative pattern designs.
- Compressed asbestos sheet cement flooring
- Internal angle mouldings
- Wall & ceiling linings
- Pipes - asbestos cement pipes used for fresh water supply and sewerage
- Flues to fireplace
- Wood heater rope in door of wood heater
- Insulation and sheeting under brick hearth base
- Carpet underlay or backing of sheet vinyl
- Internal angle mouldings
- Internal walls and ceilings - low density asbestos fibre board ceiling and wall sheeting
Living Room
- Carpet underlay
- Internal angle mouldings
- Flues to fireplaces
- Internal walls and ceilings - low density asbestos fibre board ceiling and wall sheeting
- How water piping "chased into walls"
- Kitchen splashback
- Sheeting under the floor tiles
- Tilux splashback
- Lagging to hot water pipes
- Backing of sheet vinyl
- Backing behind ceramic wall and floor tiles
- Vinyl floor tiles
House Structure
- Wall sheeting - flat or weatherboard style
- External cladding Hardiplank or faux brick
- Roof corrugated asbestos-cement roofing
- Ridge capping for roof
- Internal walls and ceilings
- Internal and external ventilators
- Eaves and gables ends
- Loose fill insulation in roof cavity
- Gutters & Downpipes
- Infill panels above windows and doors
- Putty in metal framed windows & glass doors
- Water and stormwater pipes
- Outdoor dog and animal kennel
- Car port
- Fences
- Sheds and external toilets
- Water and stormwater pipes
- Telecommunications pits waterproofing membrane
- Buried asbestos
Storage & Basement
- Power Box backing to electrical meter boards
- Brake and clutch linings and battery boxes in older cars comprised of pitch, rubber and crocidolite
- Wall sheeting
- Used form work
- Downpipes
Water Heater
- Hot water piping "chased into walls"
- Lagging to hot water pipes and lining to the hot water unit
- Sub floor packers under water heater
- Insulation for hot water pipes and tank
- Hot water piping "chased into walls"
- Sheeting under floor tiles
- Lagging to hot water pipes
- Backing behind the ceramic wall and floor tiles
- Compressed asbestos sheet cement flooring
- Internal angle mouldings
- Vinyl floor tiles
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